Being involved in a motorcycling accident can be a frightening and overwhelming experience. Even if you feel okay after the crash, there are many potential risks to consider and steps to take afterward. As a personal injury lawyer, I’ve seen firsthand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that these accidents can have on victims.

In order to ensure that your rights are protected following an accident involving a motorcycle, it’s important for you to know what steps must be taken as soon as possible. In this article, I will discuss eight key things you should do if you were involved in a motorcycling accident—from seeking medical attention to collecting evidence of the incident.

Taking these precautions could make all the difference when it comes time for insurance companies or other parties involved in the crash to evaluate claims or determine liability.

1. Seek medical attention. Even if you think you’re okay, it’s important to get checked out by a healthcare professional right away. Some injuries may not present symptoms until days or even weeks later, and getting treatment immediately can help document the extent of any injuries that could be related to the accident.

2. File a police report. This can help provide an official record of the accident and what happened, as well as any tickets that may have been issued due to negligence or recklessness on the part of another driver.

3. Collect contact information from anyone who witnessed the crash. It’s important to get details from any witnesses—such as their contact information, what they saw, and the time of the incident. This can be useful evidence in proving negligence or fault on the part of another driver involved in the accident.

4. Take photos or videos of the scene of the crash. Photos and videos can provide valuable evidence that could help your case.

5. Document any expenses related to the accident, such as medical bills or property damage. This will help you get compensation for any costs you’ve incurred because of the accident.

6. Retain all documents related to the crash, such as police reports and insurance forms. Having a complete record of what happened is important in case you decide to pursue a legal claim.

7. Stay off social media until your case has been settled. Anything you post can be used against you, so it’s best to refrain from posting about the incident or your injuries until after everything is resolved.

8. Consult a personal injury attorney if you think you may have a legal claim. An experienced attorney can provide valuable advice and help you understand your rights so that you can make informed decisions about how to best proceed.

Ultimately, taking the right steps following a motorcycling accident can protect your rights and ensure that you get the compensation or other outcomes that are rightfully yours. Following these steps can help ensure that you get the justice you deserve.

If you’ve been involved in a motorcycling accident, reach out to the team at Lachowicz Law today.